Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Dean Pictures.

These are just some pictures of Dean I took from a few episodes ago. I know they aren't that great, but I took them anyway, haha. 

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

There's No Place Like Home. (New Episode!)

Weaning: Spoilers for There's No Place Like Home. (The latest episode.) (This is NOT a full summery!!!!!)

In this episode, the main thing was that Dark Charlie was after the man who killed her parents while drunk driving, them man who "took everything away" from her. Dark Charlie, in the end, tricked Dean into believing she only wanted o show the man her face, to let him see what he did to her, and then they would turn him over to the police. Instead, she talked to him, and the last words that man ever heard was, "I forgive you," before he started sobbing, and Dark Charlie spun around, slammed the door shut, and killed him. 

By the time Dean managed to open the door- or crash through it- she was gone.

Good Charlie ended up killing the other side of the Wizard of Oz, and you could tell it pained her. Oz died, Dean fought Dark Charlie, and in the end, evil Charlie was put back in regular Charlie, and she left to go look at a book for Sam and Dean that may or may not help them. 

Before she left, she talked with Dean-

"Dean. I forgive you."
"Yeah, well, I don't."

Sam as that Cain managed to live withhe curse, and Dean shot back, "After years of murdering!" and Charlie told him she knew he could do it. 

"You have one thing that he didn't."
Dean stared at her, and she look back at him firmly. 

"You're a Winchester."


Hey guys! This is a blog for Supernatural. I ship Jody and Bobby, and more importantly, Dean and Cas. I'll warn you before I post something with Destiel in it, unless I forget.